“As CTIA comes to a close, the big buzz is about the first
next-generation handset, the HTC Evo 4G, due out this summer on
Sprint. The tech press and blogosphere are gushing about the new
dual 3G/4G smartphone, and some writers attending the wireless
conference even got a few brief minutes to test it out, so we save
you the surfing and provide the highlights of the debut.“Though it’s the first 4G smartphone slated to come to market,
the Android-powered handset boasts some serious specs, which is
fueling a frenzy of positive posts in the days since it was
unveiled. A full list of HTC Evo 4G features is at the Sprint Web
site, but the features making the geeks go ga-ga include: Android
2.1 OS, a QualComm SnapDragon 1Ghz processor, a 4.3-inch
touchscreen, HTC Sense UI, 8-megapixel auto-focus camera with
HD-capable video camcorder and a forward-facing 1.3-megapixel
camera, built-in mobile hotspot functionality allowing for eight
wireless devices, live video sharing with Qik, 1GB of built-in
memory and 512 MB RAM, in addition to all the typical smartphone
specs we’ve come to expect.”
HTC Evo 4G Gets Rave Reviews at CTIA
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