
Hyperic: Like OpenView, but Fre^H^H^HCheaper – No Thanks!

“Our friend, Michael Cote’, mused a couple weeks ago about the
idea of the ‘little 4’ going up against the ‘big 4’ in systems
management, the newly anointed ‘little 4′ includes Zenoss,
Groundwork, Qlusters and Hyperic, of which I am the CEO. It was
amusing when Cote’ put this together, aiming at a new class of open
source software companies that would go against the traditional
goliaths in the marketspace–IBM, HP, CA and what’s that other
acronymn based company…. Oh yeah, BMC. Cote’s musings were to
show that disruption is very much present in the industry of
systems management, and we agree.

“Some companies, however, have been latching onto this idea and
using it to mint their position in the market…”

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