
Implications of rejecting “intellectual property”

[ Thanks to Daniel Memenode for
this link. ]

“What is “property”?

“A lot of people seem inclined to define property ownership as
whatever the government says it is. However what is most relevant
here is the common thread to most definitions which is “exclusive
control”. Even when someone refers to such concepts as “shared
property”, “public property” etc. they’re still referring to some
kind of exclusive control or exclusive rights, only the idea is
that a group of people have control that excludes other groups.

“(Just for the record I don’t agree such a thing is possible due
to a contradiction of exclusivity with the fact that a “group”
includes multiple people at the same time. I think only individual
ownership is possible. However, that’s beyond the scope of this

“I have recently written more about property in more detail here
where I define ownership more precisely and establish the basis of
it in objective reality. The core of the definition, however, is
still exclusive control – that is, a stream of actions that
constitute it.”

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