“In 10 years, people will not believe that businesses were
once staked on software code that they could not control,”
said Andy Hertzfeld, a former Apple designer and a founder of
Mountain View, Calif.-based Eazel, which provides
subscription-based system management and file management
“[The product model] leads to the feature bloat that we’ve
seen,” with users getting 10 features they do not need for every
one that they do, Hertzfeld said. Open source software leads to
innovation, he stressed. “You can’t innovate when [code] is owned
by proprietary interests,” Hertzfeld said. “When the code is open,
it’s the code that wins.”
“Open source has to learn how to make programs easy to use for
non-technical users,” Hertzfeld said. … Hertzfeld also stressed
that the Mozilla open source browser project is crucial, to ensure
that browser standards stay free.”