
Installing CentOS 5.4

“CentOS is a community-driven spin off of Red Hat Enterprise
Linux. This is different from Fedora in that it is not: 1) Not
bleeding edge and 2) Geared toward Enterprise and not average
desktop usage. CentOS is built to be 100% compatible with its
bigger brother Red Hat Enterprise Linux while remaining a
completely free operating system. In a nutshell CentOS is Red Hat
Enterprise Linux without the branding and graphics. So, if
you’re looking for an enterprise-class desktop operating
system, and you do not want to spend the cash necessary for RHEL,
CentOS is the distribution you’ve been looking for.

“But how easily does it install? If you have ever installed
Linux using the traditional installation disk method you will be
just fine. It will, however, require some patience – and a
torrent client.”


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