Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6
“Hits: Strongest administrative capabilities; multiplatform
scalability; document publishing features
Misses: Poor log-file analysis; no bandwidth throttling”
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
“Hits: Strong indexing and log-file analysis capabilities; strong
applications development support; bandwidth throttling
Misses: Only available for Windows; proprietary approach to
server-side Java; no support for browser-based uploads”
Red Hat Secure Web Server 2.0
“Hits: Source code available; excellent statistics; can do nearly
anything with plug-ins
Misses: Administration requires editing of configuration files and
restarts; development not for the faint of heart”
O’Reilly & Associates WebSite Professional
“Hits: Supports large variety of programming interfaces; good
out-of-box e-commerce features
Misses: Difficult to install; only available for Windows; weak
built-in log analysis”