(Editor’s Note: In this interview with Linux Today, Ext2
founder Rob Kennedy talks about the online Linux magazine,
Linux Today: What is ext2.org?
Rob: Ext2.org is the home for Ext2… a web
based Linux magazine. It only gets published once a month, but
we’re working on getting some better form of comment posting
available for it, so people can also ask questions, or comment on
the articles.
Linux Today: Why did you decide to start ext2.org?
Rob: I felt that we needed a site that posted
articles written by average users, that covered mostly the basics
of installing Linux, some of the cool things you can do with it,
and how you can fit it into your home or business.
Linux Today: When did you start ext2.org?
Rob: I started it early in October (1998). I
thought I had a lot more free time than I actually do, and after
the November issue, I made Puma (Phillip Morris) “Chief Editor”. He
seemed to have more time than I did. Right now I hardly have time
to maintain linux-howto.com.. but that may
change in the future (psst… something in the works).
Linux Today: Who is on the ‘ext2 team’?
Rob: Well.. there are a few of us..
- Me (Rob Kennedy)
- Puma (Phillip Morris)
- Doug Morris (no relation, although they are buds)
- Fred Albrect
- Jon Robinson
- Jeff Cortade
- Robert Sletten
Linux Today: Where do you get your content?
Rob: Well, each of us tries to get an article
in by deadline, we want to make it more of a Linux users zine
however, and are always accepting articles written by people. You
don’t have to be Joe writer either.. just write something about how
Linux helped you out, and how you did it. If it helps out 5
people.. cool :).
Linux Today: What role do you see ext2.org filling in the
open-source community?
Rob: I see it as a place to share ideas and
information. I never got into scripting or programming and am still
lost if someone tries to show me code most of the time (’tis why I
started linux-howto.com). So when average Joe writes an article on
something, it seems it’s easier to understand than some of the more
technical documents out there. Just picture it as somewhere to go
(once it gets on it’s feet) where you can share information.. How’s
that? 🙂
Linux Today: Where do you see Linux going in the next few
Rob: It already took off faster than I
expected. Last year at this time, hardly anyone in the “mainstream
press” knew what Linux was… now look at it!
I think that a lot of corporations still want to use an OS that
has a name like Digital^H^H^H^H^H^H^HCompaq (arg.. still can’t get
used to that), IBM, etc on it so they have someone to yell at or
blame. Linux has some good support options now, however, and that
will grow in ’99 as well. Anyhoo… once some corporations give it
a shot and see how well it compares to their old setup, it will
start to climb up the ladder some more. It’s probably running in
about a third of corporations as it is already as a DNS server or
mail router.
Linux Today: Where would you like ext2.org to be next year
at this time?
Rob: I just want it to be there. If it can
provide some useful info for people, then I accomplished what I was
looking to do. Right now, mhost.com hosts it free of charge, and
hopefully, we can keep it ad free and start packing it with some
great articles.
Linux Today: Anything else that you would like to
Rob: Sure 🙂
Kernel 2.2.0-pre1-ac2 just came out last nite. If anyone gets an
opportunity to talk with Alan, Linus, or any of the developers (vi
/usr/src/linux/CREDITS), let them know what a fscking great job
they are doing and that we appreciate it!!
Bill Gates: may the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your
armpits. (Heard that a while ago; dunno where it originated.)
Linux Today: Thank you for taking the time to talk to
Rob: Thanks for the opportunity to speak a
little about ext2.
Visit ext2 at http://ext2.org.
Questions/comments/articles should be sent to puma@ext2.org.