
IT.MyCareer.com: Hot air won’t make a polar bear from a Linux penguin

[ Thanks to Terry Nelson for this link.

We don’t have a story category for columns about the mail the
columnist got when he said something bad about Linux and got
flamed, but this is one of those columns. The author does, at
least, admit that obnoxiousness is a near-universal phenomenon
among the more rabid OS advocate set.

“Here are some samples from the emails I received: “…
your dumb-ass article … you friggin moron.” ” I have lost my
patience for people who blatantly put Linux down in order to
bolster Microsoft’s status.” “How much is Microsoft paying you?”
“Hold on desperately to your delusions. At your age they’re all you
have left,” “I am quite sick of having this sort of thing published
and passed off as journalism.” “Go and take another Microsoft
pill.” “So it must be hard to breathe, eh? All that sand in your
nose and eyes and all.”

You get the idea. Clever, aren’t they? And just for reporting
the results of a survey from which I did not myself draw any
conclusions. The growing popularity of Microsoft Windows 2000 is
obviously my fault.

One of the few well-mannered responses I got suggested the
survey asked the wrong question of the wrong people. Another said
that Linux would succeed because IBM had chosen it as a strategic
operating system. My mind goes back to OS/2, and to the fact that I
was once also flamed by users of that operating system for
predicting its inevitable demise.”

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