[ Thanks to James
Maguire for this link. ]
“Life in an Olympics-occupied city has left me grumpy.
Ordinarily, I’m a tolerably contented desktop user, spending about
three-quarters of my time in KDE and the rest in GNOME, with
occasional forays into other desktops. But in the last two weeks,
I’ve been noticing irritations in every interface I’ve used.“I’m not talking, you understand, about new features that annoy
simply because they are unfamiliar. I’m always curious about
innovations — even failed ones — and I know that some can take a
while to appreciate. For instance, KDE’s Folder View, which
initially seemed a needless complication, now seems to be a
structure that allows greater flexibility and customization. I
suspect I will have the same sequence of reactions about
GNOME-Shell when GNOME 3.0 gets released.“Instead I’m talking about inconsistencies in the interface,
design elements that are awkward or reduce users’ abilities to
customize their desktops. These irritations range from the minor to
the major, and exist equally in both KDE and GNOME. Probably, some
will always be present unless I have the chance to design my own