
Linux and iPods: Do the Banshee Shuffle

“Use the Synaptic package manager to find the Banshee
application. I installed version 1.4.3-3ubuntu2. Simply check the
box to install, then apply and Synaptic will do it’s thing. You
might also want to monodoc-banshee-manual. Podsleuth will be
installed automatically along with banshee because it is needed to
query information on device configuration and the songs that are

“Of course, Banshee can’t work without songs. Take a look at
Figure 1 to see the layout of the user interface. Assuming you have
some .mp3 or .ogg files on your laptop, go to Media on the main
task bar and select Import Media. A small pop-up window will appear
asking for the top most directory with your music. Although, my
music is in my /home/music directory, Banshee wouldn’t go down to
that level so I simply chose the Home directory. The program will
then scan through all directories under your home directory and
index every music file.”

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