
Linux author seeks cases to study

[ Thanks to Dee-Ann
for this announcement: ]

Linux author Dee-Ann LeBlanc seeks companies, organizations,
and individuals who have utilized Linux to accomplish some
necessary task. Linux does not have to be the central operating
system in their overall computer usage but it does have to be
something non-trivial.
Participants will ultimately need to
provide the following information:

  1. How they accomplished what they did. Some details can be left
    out if they are proprietary, though an explanation will still need
    to be included.
  2. Why they chose the path they did.
  3. What they might have done differently in hindsight.
  4. Problems they encountered.
  5. Whether open source or proprietary tools were used, and how
    that decision was made.
    Participants have the option of having their real names and
    information used, or having them changed. Those who are interested
    should write with a brief discussion of how they utilized Linux to
    dee@renaissoft.com. For
    details about Dee-Ann LeBlanc, go to http://www.Dee-AnnLeBlanc.com/.

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