“Debian-based live CD distribution Knoppix is widely known as a
distro with excellent hardware detection. The latest 5.0.1 version,
released in June, builds upon its legacy and continues to
improve.“Knoppix comes in both a CD and a DVD version. For the purpose
of a live Linux system, a DVD makes more sense, because there’s
much more room to fit software — a whopping 9GB of compressed
packages and applications, translating into more than 2,600 titles.
The Knoppix 5.0.1 live DVD includes KDE 3.5.2 (the default
environment, though it also has GNOME), OpenOffice 2.0.2, KOffice
1.50, Firefox, Gaim 1.5.1cvs, GIMP 2.2.11, Thunderbird, and hundreds of other packages. You name it and chances
are Knoppix has it, with everything running on a 2.6.17 kernel. Not
every package comes in the latest version, but because it is
Debian-based, Knoppix makes use of the great APT package management
system, so upgrading anything is a cinch…”
Linux.com: Knoppix 5.0.1: A Solid Live DVD
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