
Linux.com: Linux and Windows NT 4.0: Basic Administration – Part V, Simple TCP/IP Services

“In September 1981, RFC 791 was set for the DARPA agency
(Defense Advanced Research Project), and TCP/IP became the default
protocol for what was then known as the ARPanet. The modern
incarnation came into vogue in the nineties as the Internet. The
majority of the network was (and still is) supported by UNIX
machines. LAN network operating systems, such as Windows NT and
Novell have only recently begun to include full support and servers
for Internet activity; no doubt to keep with the network’s

In Linux, TCP/IP configuration is also fairly simple – and
there are multiple ways to do it.

“Most Linux distributions come with configuration tools such as
linuxconf. This can be executed by going to a command line and



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