[ Thanks to Ng Kai
Hoe Raymond for this link. ]
“I understand that this review defers from other reviews, as
it is more of “installation guide” thus tends to be boring, but
there are reasons for this.“
- “This would give other readers who are more experienced in SuSE
to track down any error in earlier stages that caused reported
problem in later stages if any. This way, those readers who would
like to help me need not e-mail me for what I input at a particular
stage thus result in faster solution provided.” - “The second reason is to let pure newbies have rough idea what
the installation is like, what are the questions they may be asked
and what they have to know before hand. Knowing what is required
beforehand and having the required information would save a whole
lot of trouble. At the very least, it saves them the trouble to
abort a installation process due to lack of certain information and
repeat at a later time which can be very discouraging.”