“Whenever I introduce the idea of Linux to someone who has
had little to no experience using Linux as a workstation or server
operating system, I find myself always answering the question, “Why
Linux?” This article will briefly discuss a few of the most
notable reasons for choosing to use, learn and experience Linux
both in a workstation and server environment.”
“During the first few experimental installations, I find that
the average user looks for, and determines whether to use Linux or
not on, three working functions: X, sound, and the Internet. What
then? You have X, sound and the Internet working but still have no
reason to stay in Linux….”
“You aren’t a programmer? You are an average user and Internet
surfer. There’s definitely no problem there; Linux has all sorts of
Internet and desktop programs such as Netscape, ICQ, gnapster, MP3
players, FTP clients, word processors, database applications,
multimedia applications and so much more. Visit Freshmeat or
Linuxberg for any Linux application!”