
Linux DevCenter: Using Linux as a Small Business Internet Gateway

“As a rule, many small businesses were initially limited to one
dialup connection from one computer. But electronic mail and access
into the network very rapidly became necessary for multiple
employees. This made the case to connect an entire office network
to the global network. Of course, it would be inexpedient to buy
each computer a separate modem and a separate Internet access
account. What’s needed is an Internet gateway, a separate computer
through which everyone can share Internet access.

“It still may be sufficient to use a dialup connection, and in
time (if necessary) upgrade to a cable modem or DSL connection.

“This article describes how to set up and configure such a
gateway built on the Red Hat 9 operating system. In other Linux
distributions and packages, path names, file names, and file
formats and sizes can differ. The techniques are all the same,

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