
Linux Forums: Is Linspire Real Linux?

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“I guess the majority of people browsing Linux Forums are
interested in computers, we like to know what makes them tick, we
like to tweak them so they tick faster, and we especially like that
ours tick differently to other people’s. But there are a billion
users out there who frankly don’t give a damn. They want their
computer to do stuff for them, just like they want their car
(automobile for US readers) to fetch groceries and take the kids to
school, they want their PC to do on-line shopping and banking, send
and receive mail, help the kids with their school work and provide
a little entertainment.

“These are all things they are prepared to pay for and are used
to paying for, you buy a computer with Windows installed (or a Mac
if you work in the media) and it does this stuff for you…”


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