
Linux is not an operating system, or is it?

[ Thanks to Locutus
for this link. ]

“If you are at all familiar with my brain sneezes (I
could use another word here but this is a respectable blog 🙂 then
you know I am always rabbiting on about Linux. I am always Linux
this and Linux that. This gets some people upset and they claim
that it should be GNU/Linux or perhaps more accurately Linux/GNU.
There is a word in the English language (which I hope I am using)
called context. In other words, I use the word Linux in the context
of a complete Linux based distribution and believe that my readers
understand that context.

“Lets get down to the nitty gritty of things and define exactly
what an operating system is. An operating system, according to my
way of thinking, is a bridge between the hardware and the software.
It presents a standard interface to the software independent of the
underlying hardware.”

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