As posted to C.O.L.A.
The April 1999 issue of Linux Journal (#60) will be mailed from the printers in Waseca, Minnesota on March 12, 1999. TABLE OF CONTENTS LINUX JOURNAL April 1999 Features * Using Linux with Network Computers by Brian Vincent Configuring Linux as a boot server for Neoware network computers. * Network Administration with AWK by Juergen Kahrs AWK scripting is the easy way to access network services. * Corel's NetWinder by Marcel Gagne A review of this networking computer from Canada. * FlowNet: An Inexpensive High-Performance Network by Erann Gat and Mike Ciholas A look at state-of-the-art network hardware and protocols. News & Articles * Linux Certification for the Professional by P. Tobin Maginnis * Blender by Ben Crowder * Linux Training by Scott Schad * LJ Interviews John Ousterhout by Marjorie Richardson Reviews * Product Reviews + Arkeia by Charles Curley + Xi Graphics MaXimum cde/OS 1.2.3, Executive Edition by Jeff Alami + Conix 3-D Explorer by Michael J. Hammel * Book Reviews + Linux For Dummies Quick Reference 2nd Edition by Harvey Friedman + Perl Cookbook by James Lee Columns * Linux Apprentice: Windows/Linux Dual Boot by Vince Veselosky * Take Command: grep: Searching for Words by Jan Rooijackers * Take Command: Good Ol' sed by Hans de Vreught * Kernel Korner: Linux 2.2 and the Frame-Buffer Console by Joseph Pranevich * At the Forge: Writing Modules for mod_perl by Reuven M. Lerner Departments * Letters to the Editor * From the Editor: Network Computing by Marjorie Richardson * From the Publisher: A Look to the Future by Phil Hughes * Best of Technical Support * New Products + Cyclades-PR4000, Cyclades Corp. + PerlDirect, ActiveState Tool Corp. + ICS, BASCOM Global Internet Services, Inc. + Linux Network Server Package, CTiTEK + CSM Proxy Plus for Linux Version 4.1, CSM-USA, Inc. + Empress REBMS v8.10, Empress Software + M-Cluster, Alta Technology Corp. + LynxArray and LynxNSS, Artecon + GO-Global, GO-Between, G0-Joe, GraphOn Corp. + Linux Main Memory Database Benchmark, Polyhedra, Inc. + Magnate Internet Store, ParaSoft Corp. + LinuxCare, LinuxCare, Inc. * Advertisers Index * Linux Consultants HOWTO Strictly On-line * DECnet Network Protocol by Steve Whitehouse and Patrick Caulfield * The Xxl Spreadsheet Project by Vincent Granet * Network Programming with Perl by James Lee * Linux in Enterprise Network Management by Leo Lahteenmaki * Alphabet Soup: The Internationalization of Linux, Part 2 by Stephen Turnbull _________________________________________________________________ Linux Journal is carried by some newsstands (including all Computer Literacy stores) and is delivered to newsstands by a newsstand distributor. If you know a place that sells magazines that you feel should stock LJ, send e-mail to or have them call SSC at 206-782-7733. Getting LJ on newsstands is one of the best ways we can show the non-Internet crowd that Linux is for real. Subscriptions are: US$22/year U.S. US$27/year Canada & Mexico US$37/year Foreign US$39/2 years U.S. US$49/2 years Canada & Mexico US$64/2 years Foreign Linux Journal P.O. Box 500 Missouri City, TX 77459-9903 USA Fax: +1 281-261-5999 Tel: +1 888-66-LINUX E-mail: URL: Our public key (for encrypting your credit card number) is available by fingering Subscriptions begin with the *next upcoming* issue. Back issues are available (except for Issues #1, #3, #4, #5, #30 and #44, we're out) for $6 each or $8 each non-North American airmail. ***Note: All funds should be in U.S. dollars***