
Linux Journal: Hunting Penguins in the Desert: The CES Report

“One year ago, Kunitake Ando, president and CEO of Sony, gave a
keynote speech at CES explaining how his company would lead the
rest of the industry’s giants into an ‘always on’ and ‘interactive’
future built largely on a co-developed embedded Linux distribution.
Six months later, in July, the CE Linux Forum (CELF) was formed by
Sony, Matshushita, NEC, Philips, Samsung, Sharp and Toshiba. Today,
the membership roster also includes IBM, Mitsubishi, Metrowerks,
Motorola, Nokia, LSI Logic, HP, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Phoenix, Samsung,
Sanyo and Montavista.

“So, as CES approached, I looked for signs of World Domination
at work. Sure enough, Montavista had lined up a hundred or more
consumer electronics partners, and the Embedded Linux Consortium
had five programs in one session track. So I expected to see plenty
of braggage about Linux out on the show floor–at least among CELF

“What I discovered was something else. The narrative that
follows is an account of that discovery…”


Related Story:
Journal: Linux for Suits: Showtime
(Mar 10, 2004)

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