
Linux Journal: Linux at California University

“… After months of discussions and meetings, the Math and
Computer Science department and computer center agreed to give
Linux a try. Even though Linux had appeared in other locations on
campus, the department heads were still reluctant. Fortunately, a
mid-grade 486 machine was available on the department floor.
Because of the availability of an “older” machine, and the
excellent quality of Linux software, the budget was not affected
since there was no need for a a hardware upgrade. Linux is content
to run on yesterday’s hardware…”

“… With the advent of Linux, labs ran more smoothly and
students had the potential to learn more because of the dynamic and
powerful tools Linux has to offer.”

“… Building a place for Linux on campus has been an ongoing
struggle. With persistence, and the backing of the Linux community
(through excellent software and boundless innovation), there is no
stopping the powerful force of Linux.”


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