
Linux Journal: Linux in the ERP World

Author Uche Ogbuji takes a look at enterprise resource planning
and Linux’s place in this market.

“Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the latest hot computer
topic for businesses. In the boardroom, it is often an even hotter
topic than the Internet. ERP describes a class of computer systems
that attempts to manage all aspects of an enterprise’s

“The entire ERP trend does pose some tough questions for Linux
advocates. First of all, Linux’s infiltration into enterprise has
often come at the departmental level, usually on departmental web
servers. As more companies adopt ERP systems and insist that
internal and public web content feed into the same enormous data
stream, Linux may be harder to push in the workplace. Also, for
Linux to move from the web server to the application server
environment, it will often need to go head-to-head with an ERP
module–a battle for which Linux is politically ill-equipped.”


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