
Linux Journal: Run, RabbIT, Run: Making 56k Go Fast

“As those of you who have been following me and my articles here
know, I’m stuck on a 56k dial-up. So when something called RabbIT
crossed Freshmeat, I had to check it out. Rabbit is a caching,
compressing web proxy written in Java. It filters ads by URL
fragment and works, more or less, with HTTP/1.1. I say more or less
because I didn’t have any problems feeding it HTTP/1.1 from Galeon,
but the web page claims only ‘almost complete’ compliance.

“To run RabbIT, you need an upstream machine with a faster link
that you can run a process on (a lot of hosting sites let you do
this), Java 1.1 or better, ImageMagick and a browser that groks
compressed streams and JPEGs. My upstream box is a 1.1GHz Athlon
running Red Hat 7.3, IBM Java 2.14, ImageMagick and a
384k SDSL line. The downstream system is a 1.1GHz Duron running
Debian Woody, with Galeon upgraded to 1.2.7…”


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