[ Thanks to helios for this link.
“Aaron wasn’t much interested in what his friends were
doing. They were busy trying to choose a game to play on agame.com.
Aaron wasn’t having any of it. He stood beside me as I coaxed the
wireless connection to life on another machine and asked me if
there were any math games.“Arron is 7.
“The Little Ebenezer Baptist Church in Hutto Texas is the newest
home to a HeliOS Project Linux Learning Center. The center is built
in a small church annex but all area children are allowed to use
the computers, regardless of their affiliation. Skip Guenter Our
Director of System Engineering is the driving force behind making
this happen…because as it happens, Hutto is his home. Skip knows
who is in need in Hutto and he saw to it that need was met. While
it isn’t anywhere near our biggest project, it is going to have an