“In the early days of Linux, users had modest needs to create
graphics, so the then-nascent GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
served them well. However, as Linux and the GIMP became popular,
more sophisticated users–even some graphics professionals–began
to rely on the GIMP for their day-to-day needs. As often occurs, as
demand for the GIMP grew, so did the number of feature requests.
Fortunately, the GIMP developers worked hard to keep up with
expensive, proprietary image editing software available on other
platforms, and today, the GIMP is ‘the Photoshop of Linux,’ a
category-killer application.“Earlier this year, version 2.0 of the GIMP was released.
Although the new release was three years in the making, it was
worth the wait. Let’s have a look at what’s new in GIMP 2.0…”
Linux Magazine: The GIMP 2.0
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