
Linux Mall Associate Program

Linux Mall’s Associate Program is an excellent way for you to
make money to fund your Linux habit, raise money for your Linux
User Group, or buy your mom that 56k Modem she wants for Mother’s
Day. Just sign up for the Associate Program, provide a link from
your site and everytime someone follows your link and buys
something on the Linux Mall – you get paid! There’s no limit to how
much you can make, or how many people you can refer – but the
sooner you get started, the more you will make.

It pays to get in early – many people have already signed up,
and this announcement is being sent out in conjunction with the
first payout of the Linux Mall Associate Program. Everyone with
over $100 in referral fees is being sent a check. Anyone with fees
under $100 can collect their booty by using the fee against any
order with Linux Mall, or collect their check when the fees add up
to $100 or more. Some of the people who are already involved with
the referral program are getting checks for more than $600!

You can make money by referring people to Linux Mall from your
Web page, e-mail address, newsgroup postings – anywhere you can
stick a hyperlink. You get a commission from anyone who comes to
our site and places an order after following one of your links. You
also are associated with anyone who joins our referral program
after following one of your links, and anyone who joins from their
link…and so on, up to five levels deep. You can get all the
details at: http://LinuxMall.com/associate.program.html

Formerly known as the Linux Mall Referral Program the new Linux
Mall Associate Program introduces many changes. We’ve also added a
few things to the program – like the ability to link directly to
individual product pages, so you might want to take a look at the
revised program which we’ve linked below. We also have a few people
using invalid Associate IDs. Unfortunately, we can’t process IDs
that we can’t find, so make sure you’ve got your Associate ID
correct! Thanks to all of those who are part of the Associate
Program, and if you’re not – sign up today!

Learn more about the Linux Mall Associate

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