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The Linux Newsletter #13 April 12, 1998 Copyright © 1995-1999 by Linux Mall ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Introduction Letter From the Publisher Recent News and Announcements in the Linux World Linux and the Business World Upcoming Events in the Linux World Samba:A License to Kill NT Product Spotlight Linux Humor Linux Philosophy Tips and software for Linux Users Hot Links for Linux Users Linux Newsletter Subscription and Policy statement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction 1999 is turning out to be a great year for Linux. The Linux World Expo, held the first week of March, turned out to be a huge success. Many major corporations are now publically backing Linux and making moves to support Linux in a huge way. Almost all of the big names have come on board to support Linux: Dell, IBM, Gateway, Compaq, Oracle, Corel, Apple, Informix, Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard, Sun...the list goes on and on with only one notable exception: and rumors abound that even that company is feeling the pressure. Business and hobby users are reaping the benefits of Linux and Open Source software - proving that it isn't just for hackers anymore. The Linux "Community" becomes more diverse everyday - and that's a Good Thing. This is our first newsletter of the year, but it certainly won't be the last. We've pulled together some great news items, Linux testimonials, great links for Linux Users and some reader comments and feedback. We've also taken the liberty of highlighting some of Linux Mall's more popular and useful items and throwing a little humor in as well. Some new sections have been added to the Newsletter: Linux and Business and Linux Philosophy. Keep in touch with us and help us make 1999 the Year of Linux. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter From the Publisher Boy, has business at Linux Mall been great over the last year. Every person I hire seems to get swamped with things to do almost immediately. Ryan Coulter, who I introduced as our new editor last year, got an opportunity to follow his dream in Theater, and resigned as editor after his first "Linux Newsletter". Fortunate for him, but unfortunate for us. Then I had intended to make the time to personally put out more newsletters, but somehow other things kept coming up. It has been almost a year since Ryan left, and finally I have located a new editor. Drum Roll please! Introducing "Zonker" as he likes to be called (yes, after the comic strip), as our new editor. His real name is Joe B. Brockmeier, he is a former English major, broadcast journalist and Linux nut with plenty of experience in all three. Please join me in welcoming him as the new editor of Linux Newsletter! If I don't give him too many other tasks he will probably even get them out monthly and on time from here on out. Let's hope, and Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately the entire Linux Mall Newsletter will not fit in the space allotted in this forum. For the entire text of the Newsletter please visit our Web site: You can subscribe to our newsletter at: