
Linux-Mandrake Security Update Advisory: cups update

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 22:04:48 -0700
From: Linux Mandrake Security Team security@linux-mandrake.com
To: Linux Mandrake Security Announcements
Subject: [Security Announce] MDKSA-2001:020-1 – cups update

                Linux-Mandrake Security Update Advisory

Package name:           cups
Date:                   February 5th, 2001
Original Advisory Date: February 1st, 2001
Advisory ID:            MDKSA-2001:020-1

Affected versions:      7.2

Problem Description:

A problem exists in all versions of CUPS prior to 1.1.5 with the
httpGets() function. It could go into an infinite loop if a line
longer than the input buffer size was sent by a client. This could
be used as a DoS attack. As well, all occurances of sprintf() calls
were changed to snprintf(), and all occurances of strcpy() calls
were changed to strncpy() calls, both of which protect against
buffer overflows. Finally, CUPS now defaults to not broadcasting
the printer information anymore by default, and by default access
is only allowed from the local machine.


The previously released packages were improperly constructed
using the new library method currently used in the Linux-Mandrake
Cooker, and as such caused upgrade problems for existing 7.2 users.
This update corrects this and does not use the libcups1(-devel)
packages which caused the problem. Users who have already upgraded
to the updated cups packages announced last week will need to
uninstall the libcups1 packages and then upgrade cups again. To do
this, at the command line execute the following commands prior to
running MandrakeUpdate:

   rpm -e libcups1-devel
   rpm -e libcups1 --nodeps

Now you can update the cups packages properly via MandrakeUpdate.

Please verify the update prior to upgrading to ensure the
integrity of the downloaded package. You can do this with the
rpm –checksig package.rpm
You can get the GPG public key of the Linux-Mandrake Security Team

If you use MandrakeUpdate, the verification of md5 checksum and GPG
signature is performed automatically for you.

Linux-Mandrake 7.2:
41bdfcc888ad32677955b31cbb1d730e 7.2/RPMS/cups-1.1.6-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
29f054e667705f42d415cebb3cf4b4ab 7.2/RPMS/cups-common-1.1.6-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
d4c1d7f521d4a0029a48f7eb829b3334 7.2/RPMS/cups-devel-1.1.6-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
ad278aa654b3607a77c22c2fd2583fb4 7.2/SRPMS/cups-1.1.6-3.1mdk.src.rpm

To upgrade automatically, use

If you want to upgrade manually, download the updated package
from one of our FTP server mirrors and uprade with “rpm -Uvh

You can download the updates directly from:



Or try one of the other mirrors listed at:


Updated packages are available in the “updates/[ver]/RPMS/”
directory. For example, if you are looking for an updated RPM
package for Linux-Mandrake 7.1, look for it in “updates/7.1/RPMS/”.
Updated source RPMs are available as well, but you generally do not
need to download them.

Please be aware that sometimes it takes the mirrors a few hours
to update, so if you want an immediate upgrade, please use one of
the two above-listed mirrors.

You can view other security advisories for Linux-Mandrake


If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact


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