
Linux Programming: The New Programmer’s Road Map: Final Thoughts

[ Thanks to KevinReichard for this link.

“This is the final installment of an ongoing series covering
programming topics for the beginning programmer.
… Yet again
I am amazed at how working with Open Source and writing about it
can be so incredibly rewarding. …the series never really reached
the depth I had hoped it would, but then again, it must have
sufficed to a degree, however, I do have some points to address
that the rest of this installment will cover (or readdress, as the
case may be).”

“One point I did fail to reiterate in subsequent columns that I
made in the first column is that I do not believe and anyone in the
right mind would also, that any one single language is the end all
solution. I do not argue that there are some languages out there
that are bordering on the edge of pure blasphemy. It has always
been the case for me that it truly depends on what the goal of a
particular project is or where it will fit in with other pieces of
what it may be working with. That may be somewhat confusing so let
us take a look at some quick examples to further illustrate those

“Almost parallel to books is online documentation, either on the
internet, info, ps, man or whatever. Dig, Dig, Dig. It is there,
somewhere. I have found this to be the best way to get the full
advantage of any library or call available. Understanding the
documentation is an art unto itself. Weeding through the diatribe
of one individual can be difficult, but the reward is priceless.
Finding that obscure capability you never knew existed is always

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