
LinuxDevices.com: Free online seminar: “Linux: the Internet Appliance Platform”

“TechOnLine and MontaVista Present a Free, Live, Online Seminar:
“Linux: the Internet Appliance Platform”…”

“WHAT: MontaVista’s “Linux: The Internet Appliance Platform”
seminar explores the benefits of deploying Linux in Internet
Arguments for using Linux include its
well-understood application programming environment, rich IP
networking resources (from its UNIX heritage), a broad array of
readily-available software and hardware resources, and a
royalty-free business model amenable to the COGS-sensitive consumer

“WHEN: Friday, July 21, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. EDT, 10:00 a.m. PDT.
[17:00 UTC]”

“HOW: Register at www.techonline.com or contact TechOnLine
Support at 781-266-5000 or via e-mail at seminar@techonline.com for
details and for free seminar materials. TechOnLine Seminar requires
no additional software beyond a standard browser and audio plug-in
and is compatible with the latest versions of: Netscape
Communicator or Internet Explorer 4.0 (or higher), MS Windows 3.1,
9x or NT, RealPlayer 5.0 (or higher). Participants need a 28.8Kbps
modem (or better) to receive the audio stream.”


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