[ Thanks to LinuxDevices.com for this link.
“OpenHardware.net announces the availability of the design
data for a Motorola MC68EZ328 board design which runs the current
uClinux (www.uClinux.org) embedded Linux distribution. All
design data, including the schematics & PCB GERBER data files
needed to reproduce the MPU board and a matching mini-motherboard,
are available on the site, as well as a number of photos.”
“The design was produced in response to the high cost of
obtaining an evaluation board from Motorola. For further details,
visit the project’s website, at:
“This design is reproducible under a “not for profit” copyright.
What this means is quite simple: “if you want to sell, or bundle,
my design for profit, I want some of it. If you produce the design
to learn how to build ‘such a thing’ and do not make a profit in
conjunction with its distribution, then you are free to do so.”
This is not the GPL license, but the TPL license (Tom’s Public
License :^). For further information contact