
LinuxDevices.com: The Adomo home: back to the future, with Linux

[ Thanks to LinuxDevices.com for this link.

“Adomo wants a place in your home. Not on top of your TV, or as
a firewall or gateway hiding in a closet. What Adomo wants, is
to fill your home with a network of low-cost, easy-to-use
information appliances. All over the place. And they will all have
Linux inside.

“Adomo’s goal is to transcend the boundaries of the PC
revolution, by making home information appliances as easy to use —
and ubiquitous — as microwave ovens. And in doing so, they intend
to depart from some prevailing conventions. Instead of simply
sticking with popular notions of the roles of PCs, gateways,
firewalls, and set-top boxes in homes of the ’00s, Adomo began with
a clean slate, asking: “What do family members really want?”

“Adomo is redefining the way families use information in the
home,” proclaims a statement on the company’s website. “Imagine if
all your important information . . . addresses, phone numbers,
calendar, birthdays, music were always there, where you were . . .
available at the touch of a button. Information could adapt to our
lives, not the other way around.”


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