
LinuxInsider: SCO Director of Public Relations Blake Stowell Speaks Out

LinuxInsider: What’s your general feeling about the
open-source community? Or, to put it differently, what’s your
philosophy of software?

Stowell: I think that a lot of good has come
from the open-source community. The fact that developers around the
world can collaborate on projects together to create something for
the general good of society is an incredible thing. I’ve worked
with a lot of companies and individuals that have made some great
contributions to open source. SCO has both contributed to and
benefited from open-source software…

“One thing that has been disappointing, though, is the virulent
and personal attacks against SCO from some people in the
open-source community. We’re a company defending one of our core
business assets, and we’re doing this through the courts, as the
legal system requires. We should not be subjected to personal
insults, physical threats, DDoS attacks and all the other


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