[ Thanks to LinuxNews.com for this link.
“A longtime Linux evangelist has a new home–and plans to make
Linux a contender on the desktop. Maxspeed, a Palo Alto, Calif.,
based thin client server provider, welcomed new CTO Dave
McAllister, the former director of stragtegic technology as Silicon
Graphics, Inc. (SGI) on February 2, 2000. McAllister is a strong
Linux advocate and hopes to use his position at Maxspeed to help
wage Linux’s war on the desktop. McAllister came to Maxspeed from
SGI on February 2, 2000.”
“With proper direction and help from technological leaders and
the community, McAllister is optmistic that Linux can achieve a 30%
share of the desktop market in the next five years. “Linux’s future
on the desktop is one front,” McAllister said. “There are many
fronts to a war. The revolution is not over….”
“Linux is now running on 1-4% of desktop devices,”
McAllister said. “Over a five-year span, that would go to around
15-20%. With companies like Maxspeed continuing to work on desktop
support, I feel that number could go to 30%.“