[ Thanks to mhead for this link. ]
“Employees of North Carolina-based BLAST Inc. have launched
SiliconPenguin.com to keep users on top of the embedded Linux
“SiliconPenguin.com is dedicated to gathering and presenting
the most comprehensive index of information on embedded Linux.
OEM’s, developers and Linux enthusiasts will be able to easily
locate information on the companies, projects, hardware and
software that influence the embedded Linux marketplace,” BLAST
president Steve Rogers said at the site’s launch….”
“According to SiliconPenguin.com’s creators, “Over the years we
have been involved with Linux, we have all been frustrated by the
sheer volume of Linux information on the Web that is either
obsolete, utterly irrelevant or both. Therefore, unlike many other
index sites, we do not employ spiders or other web indexing tools
to generate links. There are already enough search engines to find
the spooge.”