
LinuxPR: CLIQ 2001 Advanced Registration Deadlines Set For Both Attendees and Exhibitors

“Discounted advanced registration for attendees is set to close
on March 23rd for mail-in registrations. Exhibitor mail-in
registrations also to close on March 23rd. At-the-door pricing will
be available after those dates.”

“Open registration for the Colorado Linux Info Quest (CLIQ) 2001
is going strong for both attendees and exhibitors. Advanced
registration for attendees, which at $55 offers a $30 discount from
the regular at-the-door price of $85, will remain open for mail-in
registrants until March 23rd. After that date the registration fee
will be $85.”

“Advanced mail-in registration for exhibitors is also set to
close on March 23rd. No discounts are offered for exhibitors who
register early, but booth allocations are made on a first come,
first served basis so early registration is recommended to get the
best booth locations on the exhibit floor.”


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