
LinuxPR: IndyBox Systems Announces Its Support of Turbo Linux

“Today, IndyBox Systems (based in Indianapolis, Indiana), the
world’s leading manufacturer of Linux systems, announced they would
be introducing support and installation of Turbo Linux in all of
their workstations and servers.”

“IndyBox Systems Chief Executive Charles Martin said ‘Turbo
Linux is the leading distribution in the Asian marketplace. Given
the significance of Turbo Linux in Asia and the importance of the
thriving Chinese and rebounding Japanese marketplaces all of our
systems will come with the option of Turbo Linux to be
pre-installed with every IndyBox system shipped. Turbo Linux has
recently changed its targeted audience to include markets beyond
Asia, we want to actively support their decision by offering their
product in all of our systems. This quarter we will be introducing
a Russian version of Linux pre-installed on our systems too.'”


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