“The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) announces a major
incentive program to help launch its second Linux certification
exam, 102.”
“Candidates taking the 102 exam between now and May 12 will
receive a 50% discount off of its $100 regular price. And those who
have already taken and paid for LPI’s first exam, 101, may take the
102 exam at no charge. Candidates successfully taking exams
101 and 102 qualify for LPI Certification Level 1 (LPIC-1).”
“”Our primary goal in the LPI program is to increase the number
of people with demonstrated skills in Linux administration,” said
LPI director Evan Leibovitch. “This incentives program is designed
to encourage as many people as possible to see how effective the
LPI program is, and to reward those people who have been the first
to take the 101 exam.””