“Programming Perl, 3rd Edition”, is a unique introduction to
the Perl language and its culture, as you might expect only from
its authors.“
“Perl (“Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister”) is a powerful
programming language that has grown dramatically in popularity
since it first appeared in 1988. The first edition of the book
“Programming Perl” hit the shelves in 1990, and was quickly adopted
as the undisputed bible of the language. Since then, Perl has grown
with the times, and so has this classic book–so popular, the Perl
community refers to it simply as “The Camel Book,” for the camel on
the cover.”
“Any Perl book can show the syntax of Perl’s functions, but only
“The Camel Book” is a comprehensive guide to all the nooks and
crannies of the language. Any Perl book can describe typeglobs,
pseudohashes, and closures, but only this one shows how they really
work. Any Perl book can tell the reader that my is faster than
local, but only this one explains why. The third edition of
“Programming Perl” has also been expanded to cover Version 5.6 of
this maturing language. New sections include threading, compiling,
Unicode, and more.”