[ Thanks to Benjamin
D. Thomas for this link. ]
“Chris Evans has announced a beta release of “vsftpd”. “vsftpd
is an FTP server, or daemon. The “vs” stands for Very Secure.
Obviously this is not a guarantee, but a reflection that I have
written the entire codebase with security in mind, and carefully
designed the program to be resilient to attack.” Included in the
distribution is information on the design goals and decisions of
the new daemon, and how he limits buffer overflow exposure and
trust relationships.”
- Ground up build of an FTP server, with security in mind.
- GPL license.
- Does not suffer horrid “running everything with root privs”
issue which afflicts wu-ftpd and bsd-ftpd (i.e. it has a security
design). - Supports local accounts as well as anonymous.”