[ Thanks to Benjamin
D. Thomas for this link. ]
“David Dittrich, coordinator for the Forensic Challenge,
outlines a contest that pits the best efforts by the blackhat
community against anyone in the security community who wishes to
accept it.”
“Enter the Honeynet Project. One of the primary goals of the
Honeynet Project is to find order in chaos by letting the attackers
do their thing, and allowing the defenders to learn from the
experience and improve. The latest challenge, inspired by the
Honeynet Project’s founder Lance Spitzner, is the Forensic
Challenge. Only this time, we’re opening it up to anyone who wants
to join in.”
“The Forensic Challenge is an effort to allow incident
handlers around the world to all look at the same data — an image
reproduction of the same compromised system — and to see who can
dig the most out of that system and communicate what they’ve found
in a concise manner. This is a nonscientific study of tools,
techniques, and procedures applied to postcompromise incident
handling. The challenge is to have fun, to solve a common real
world problem, and for everyone to learn from the process. If what
I’ve said already isn’t enough to get you interested, Foundstone is
generously offering copies of their extremely popular “Hacking
Exposed” (Second Edition) book for the 20 best submissions.”