“Installfest 2000 moved to Melbourne, Victoria on Saturday 9
September. The event turned out to be a great success and indicated
that this inaugural gathering still holds much interest.
Melbourne’s chapter of Installfest 2000 was organised by LUV, or
Linux Users of Victoria (www.luv.asn.au). LUV is the main user
group in the state of Victoria…”
“Approximately 300 people attended on the day and some 50
installers helped out…”
“The demonstration machines were also of interest on the day.
They included a computer with three monitors running X Windows that
allowed the mouse pointer to moved across all three screens. “A lot
of people were also impressed with Linux playing MPEG videos,
running games and demonstrating 3D acceleration,” said Battersby.
“I think we may have hooked a new generation on Linux also, with
some of the kids unable to leave Descent 3 and Unreal