
LinuxWorld: Linus Torvalds Answers 10 Goofy Questions

“Have you ever wanted to get to know Linus Torvalds a little
better? To see behind that clever, mild-mannered public demeanor of
his and observe the real man? But if you’re like me, you’re usually
too short of the cash/time required to go on the Linux Lunacy Geek
Cruise and meet him up-close and personal.

“Never fear, my dweebs. Here are ten questions that Doc Searls,
Phil Hughes and the rest of the gang really wanted answered on that
cruise but were afraid to ask.

“Thanks to these probing questions and Torvalds’ illuminating
responses–questions that touch on everything from the next release
of the kernel to Linus’s household chores–you can begin to see the
real man behind the mask, just as clearly as if you were going
mano-a-mano against him for a Guinness on the shuffleboard


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