“This is not a full review. This is a drive-by review, an
“install and run” look at Red Hat Linux 6.2 Deluxe. I am,
however, working with Rawn Shah, our reviews editor, on a full
review of this and other major distributions in the coming months.
So if you’re after full reviews, they will come.”
“Red Hat has improved its graphical installer in 6.2 to the
point that I actually used it to do the install. Twice, as a matter
of fact. And I’m getting to be an old hand at wiping out my desktop
installation and installing a new distribution. I had only been
running Corel Linux on the machine for a week or two when I
received an early copy of RH 6.2. To speed and ease the process, I
simply tarred the contents of my home directory and copied it to
another partition. Among other things, my home directory contains a
couple of years’ worth of email, so it is a sizable archive.”