
LinuxWorld: What to expect at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo – Where Linux is whatever you want it to be

“The vicissitudes that buffet the Linux industry these days —
be they shareholder lawsuits, consolidations, slumping earnings, or
business strategies gone south — have made no perceptible dent in
the seriousness with which IT professionals approach opportunities
to enhance their Linux awareness. Some 22,000 to 24,000 attendees
are expected to descend on this week’s LinuxWorld Conference &
Expo in New York — pretty clear evidence that IT decision-makers
more than ever crave business solutions that leverage the benefits
of Linux and open source.”

“Repeat attendees at the upcoming semiannual gathering of the
Linux tribes will suffer only rare attacks of déjà
vu. While the basic structure will mirror that of LinuxWorld shows
past — a day of tutorials followed by three days of conference
sessions and exhibits — the folks at IDG World Expo and conference
chair Larry Augustin have hardly rested on their laurels. Each of
the conference’s six tracks (about 50 sessions in all) will offer
plenty of up-to-the-minute information to inquiring minds.”

“The Kernel/Cluster track, for example, features sessions on
these hot topics du jour: high availability, Linux storage, mobile
devices, journaling filesystems, and, of course, the 2.4 kernel
(one session on porting device drivers to the new kernel, and
another on 2.4’s support for realtime signals). Other especially
timely presentations include:

  • The KDE component technologies enabled by the KDE2.0
    infrastructure (User Interface track)
  • Security tools and strategies (three sessions in the System
    Administration track)
  • Mozilla as a cross-platform application development framework
    (Scripting track)
  • Caching dynamic Web content (ASP/Web Serving track)
  • Enhanced Linux usability for consumers and businesses
    (Business/Legal Issues track)”

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