
LittleWhiteDog.com: Guide to installing NVidia drivers in Mandrake 8.0

[ Thanks to Fido for this link. ]

Like the headline says: the article’s out to help you install
NVidia drivers under Mandrake. There’s fine basic information here,
and we’ll throw in one additional tip for free: some cards may want
AGP support turned off in XF86Config-4. How to do this is in the

“So you have Mandrake 8.0 installed and have found it
to be a most excellent operating system, but you miss the really
high-end games like Quake III and Unreal Tournament. Well, you’re
in luck, this article will explain in “newbie” style how to load
and configure NVidia’s Linux driver for the TNT, TNT2, GeForce,
GeForce2 and GeForce3 video cards under Mandrake 8.0. In keeping
with tradition at LittleWhiteDog, there will be plenty of pictures
for you to see exactly how things are done step by step. I will
discuss some of the problems I encountered while loading and
configuring the drivers as well as what I did to overcome those
obstacles. If you own an NVidia graphics card and want to use
hardware driven OpenGL in Mandrake 8.0, start reading.


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