[ Thanks to Naheed
for this link. ]
“Importing existing logos
“If you are fortunate enough to work with a client that has an
established logo that they would like to continue to use in their
web space, then you need to be able to pull the logo into your
initial mock up designs—and then into your final design and
use it as any other object. To do this:1. While in an Inkscape document (with our without your design
already in place), from the main menu select File and then
Import.2. Find the logo file in the menus and click Open.
3. Then place your logo where it best fits in your design.
“What if the logo is not in the right size and not in a scalable
vector-graphic format? Then you need to re-create the logo in
Inkscape in a form that is scalable. It’s definitely possible and
not difficult to do. It just takes time and a bit of Inkscape