“Yes, we know we said there would be no LWN.net Weekly Edition
this time around, but, in the end, it was worth the trouble to put
together a mini version. So here it is; with luck, the full Weekly
will be back on August 15.”
Inside this week’s LWN.net Weekly Edition
- Front: LWN status update; Edsgar Dijkstra
- Kernel: Large page support
- Development: CMF 1.3, Qt C# bindings.
- Commerce: CrossOver Office 1.2; IDC on the Linux market
- Press: Dreamcasts as hacking tools, DMCA issues, embedded Linux
advantages, Linux PDAs. - Announcements: Linux Gazette #81, FSF Benefit, OSCON Wrap Up,
Perl 6 Mini::Conf. - Letters: Where has LWN’s pioneering spirit gone?