
MadPenguin: Mandrake 9.2 Download Edition–A Newbie’s Perspective

“So began my search for the newbie holy grail, that illusive
beast, the golden unicorn: The perfect Linux. The one we new folk
always ask you about in forums. The one question in a Linux forum
that never gets a straight answer. The one we eventually understand
cannot be answered by anybody because it’s not a fair question.

“Ask any Windows user which version you should get and 99 out of
100 will tell you Pro. The same question to any Linux user will
usually be met with questions that a new comer has never been
asked, and links to information and research. Other than that it’s
try them and choose your favorite. It has been a long process, but
here is one newbie’s experience with the latest from our friends at
Mandrakesoft. With any luck my search will end today…”

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