“CIITIX-Wi-Fi couples FreeRADIUS, daloRADIUS, and OpenSSL to
give you a turn-key Wi-Fi authentication solution. It’s an open
source Debian-based Linux distribution, released under the GPLv2
license. It lets you quickly and easily implement the Enterprise
mode of WPA or WPA2 encryption for your wireless network by
providing the required 802.1X authentication. You can also use it
to authenticate other network connections and components.“{CIITIX-Wi-Fi is GUI-based so you don’t have to be an IT or
Linux expert. Plus it automatically generates the SSL certificate
required for the RADIUS server. You can alternatively supply your
own certificates.“CIITIX-Wi-Fi can even run in LiveCD mode, so you don’t have to
have a dedicated hard disk. However, we’re going to permanently
install it, which requires less than 400MB on your hard drive.”
Manage RADIUS for WPA-Enterprise with CIITIX and Linux
Eric Geier
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